Conflict of Interest

Employees must avoid any relationship or activity that might impair, or even appear to impair, their ability to make objective and fair decisions when performing their jobs. MTSA’s property, information, or business opportunities may not be used for personal gain.

Conflicts of interest could arise in the following circumstances:

  • Being employed by, acting as a consultant to, serving as a Board member to, or owning or having an interest in a competitor or potential competitor or vendor, regardless of the nature of the relationship, while employed with MTSA;
  • Hiring or supervising family members or closely related persons;
  • Accepting gifts, discounts, favors, or services from a cus­tomer/patient, potential customer/patient, competitor, or vendor, unless equally available to all MTSA employees.

Employees with a conflict-of-interest question should seek advice from management. Before engaging in any activity, transaction, or relationship that might give rise to a conflict of interest, employees must seek review from their supervisor or the Director of Human Resources.