Criminal Activity / Arrest

Involvement in criminal activity, whether on or off MTSA prop­erty, during employment may result in disciplinary action in­cluding suspension or termination of employment. Disciplinary action depends upon a review of all factors involved, including whether the employee’s action was work-related, the nature of the act, or circumstances which adversely affect attendance or performance. Any disciplinary action is not dependent upon the disposition of any case in court.

Employees are expected to be on the job ready to work when scheduled. Inability to report to work as scheduled as a result of an arrest may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, for violation of an attendance pol­icy or job abandonment.

Any disciplinary action taken will be based on information reasonably available. This information may come from witness­es, police, or any other source if management has rea­son to view the source as credible.