Electronic Communication & Internet Use

Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia computing, telecommunica­tions, and networking resources are provided to students, fac­ulty, and staff for the support of instruction, administration, and research activities of the institution. These resources are operated under a variety of security systems, procedures, and protocols. Use of these resources is a privilege granted by MTSA. Users of these resources are expected to conduct their activities within the restrictions and overall policies of Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia, the laws of the State of Tennessee, and Federal statutes.

Misuse or improper use of MTSA computing facilities, resources, and equipment include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Theft or destruction, unauthorized access or use, repro­duction without proper authorization, unapproved shar­ing access codes or security-related procedures, or viola­tion of the copyright laws.
  • Viewing and/or transmitting abusive, obscene, harassing, or threatening materials that interfere with the job perfor­mance or work atmosphere of others.
  • Use for commercial, personal, or business purposes that conflict with MTSA’s mission, policies, or procedures.

Email messages sent via the MTSA Internet will be viewed by re­cipients as originating with and as being authorized by Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia. Accordingly, each employee using the MTSA Internet is responsible for the accuracy of all communications, compliance with this policy, and obtaining management approval. 

MTSA reserves the right to access and disclose, without notice at any time for any reason, all messages sent or received via the Internet.

The e-mail system and the messages transmitted over it are MTSA’s exclusive property and may or may not be treated as pri­vate or confidential as determined solely by MTSA.

Group accounts have been set up to aid in communication be­tween faculty, staff, and students. Sending chain letters, junk mail, or messages containing large files to groups is not acceptable.

Please note that failure to respond to emails within two MTSA business days is considered unprofessional conduct. 

Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia will take appropriate action against any user who misuses computer resources. Such actions include but are not limited to, canceling the user’s account, revoking the user’s operation privileges, revoking access to resources, assessing penalties as provided by MTSA policies, disciplinary measures, and seeking any other legally available remedies.

For additional information, please see Computer & Network UseSensitive Data Protection, and Standards of Conduct policies.