It is the goal of MTSA that termination is only utilized after other forms of disciplinary action have been unsuccessful, or when, in the sole discretion of MTSA, other forms of disciplinary action are inappropriate given the severity of the actions.
There are certain offenses which MTSA believes are so serious that progressive discipline is not appropriate. This latter type of conduct would be considered gross misconduct and would normally result in termination or other severe disciplinary measures for a first offense.
Examples of Gross Misconduct include but are not limited to the following:
- Insubordination
- Absence from work without notice (i.e., no show, no call)
- Being inattentive while on duty, including sleeping on the job
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages while on duty
- Use, sale, possession, or being under the influence of a controlled substance on campus
- Falsification of college records, documents, patient records
- Physical, verbal abuse, or threat of assault to MTSA employees, students, or visitors
- Theft, destruction, unauthorized use of MTSA equipment/property
- Inappropriate computer usage, including but not limited to access of pornographic materials
- Possession of a weapon.
- Unauthorized or inappropriate use of MTSA funds or credit cards
- Unauthorized disclosure and/or use of confidential or proprietary MTSA information
- Conviction of a felony
Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia reserves the right to determine the appropriate level of discipline for any inappropriate conduct, including oral and written warnings, suspension with or without pay, and demotion or discharge.