Meal & Rest Periods

The scheduling of meal periods at Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia is set by the employee’s immediate supervisor with the goal of providing the least possible disruption to MTSA operations.  

Mandatory Meal Period  

Employee meal periods are important to MTSA productivity and employee health. Employees who work at least six consecutive hours will be provided a meal break.  

All MTSA employees are allowed a paid 30 minutes lunch period per workday. 

Non-exempt employees are to be completely relieved of all job duties during their meal period. Non-exempt employees that choose to leave campus must log out using the time and attendance system while on meal breaks. If an employee’s meal period, while on campus, is interrupted for work purposes, the meal period can be extended the length of time equal to the interruption. 

Rest Breaks  

Non-exempt employees may be permitted two breaks of short duration, 10-15 minutes, for each four hours of work. Non-exempt employees on rest breaks are not required to log in and log out because this time is considered “time worked” and is compensable.