Social Media

Guidelines for functioning in an electronic world follow the same values, ethics, and confidentiality/conflict of interest policies that employees are expected to abide by each day, regardless of the social media involved in the discussion. 

This policy applies to all Internet- and mobile-based tools involving user-generated content and interaction, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. These standards also apply to blogs, podcasts, newsgroups, email distribution lists, and similar social networking sites. 

MTSA encourages open, transparent communication that reflects the professional standards necessary to secure and keep the trust of the communities we serve. MTSA expects that social media and online behavior will not violate the school’s policies. 

Only MTSA employees acting within their official capacities as authorized by the school may use social media to portray themselves as representing the institution or to conduct business in the name of the school. Use of any social media to represent MTSA in this way by employees must be approved Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia by appropriate members of the school’s Executive Administration. This includes usage of MTSA logos that construe sanctioning by the school when used with online posts or groups. Any site or page claiming to be MTSA-affiliated must obtain prior authorization through Executive Administration and are subject to review or amendment. 

If a post is brought to the attention of administration, MTSA will review posts that appear to violate relevant law or school policies and will take appropriate action. 

General Guidelines  

  • Student record information is similarly protected by FERPA (Federal Education Records Protection Act).  

  • Secured communication policies are in place elsewhere to maintain confidentiality of student records, meaning these records are always off limits to social media discussions.  

  • Likewise, confidential information about faculty and staff members may not be posted without an employee’s consent. 

  • Certain publicity or marketing purposes involving employee or student identities must follow the proper permissions process overseen by the Marketing Department to obtain authorization to release information.  

  • Employees may participate in social media in ways that do not violate other standards of conduct or policies, including violating privacy involving individuals’ protected information.  

  • Financial, confidential, or proprietary information may not be shared via social media. When posting on social media sites about MTSA-related news reported by the school or news media sources, employees must use the following disclaimer when discussing job-related matters:  “The opinions expressed on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the views of Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia.” 

  • False information about MTSA’s products and services or maliciously untrue statements presented as fact are prohibited. While obscenities, slurs, or other derogatory comments may be protected as free speech, it is generally advisable to avoid such conduct when directed at damaging the reputation of MTSA, its students, employees, or applicants.  

  • MTSA’s logo or name cannot be modified or used by employees for personal endorsements, and MTSA’s logo and name cannot be used by employees to promote a product, cause, political party, or candidate. 

For additional information, please see Computer and Network Use policy.