MTSA retains the right to require the following drug and alcohol tests. Employees are forewarned that these tests may detect improper conduct committed away from the workplace and during non-working time:
Reasonable Suspicion: Employees are subject to testing based on observations by a supervisor or member of management of apparent workplace use, possession, or impairmentof a drug or alcohol. The Director of Human Resources must be consulted before sending employees for reasonable suspicion testing.
Follow-up: Employees who have tested positive or otherwise in violation are subject to discipline up to and including discharge. Depending on the circumstances and the employee’s work history/record, MTSA may offer an employee who violates this procedural guideline or tests positive the opportunity to return to work on a last-chance basis pursuant to mutually agreeable terms, which could include follow-up drug testing on a random basis for a minimum of one (1) year but not more than two (2) years. Also, if an employee either does not complete their rehabilitation program or tests positive after completing the rehabilitation program, they will be subject to immediate termination of employment.
Employees who refuse to cooperate in required tests or who use, possess, buy, sell, manufacture, or dispense an illegal drug in violation of this guideline will be terminated. The first time an employee tests positive for alcohol or illegal drug use under this guideline, the employee will be subject discipline up to and including termination. Whether such employee is offered a last-chance basis to maintain their job is dependent on the circumstances and the employee’s work history/record.
Information and records relating to test results, drug and alcohol dependencies, and legitimate medical explanations will be kept confidential to the extent required by law and maintained in secure files separate from normal personnel files.