Coronavirus COVID-19 Guidelines

This MTSA guideline includes the measures currently being taken to mitigate the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Employees are kindly requested to follow all these rules diligently, to sustain a healthy and safe workplace. It is important that all employees respond responsibly and transparently to these health precautions. MTSA will always treat employee’s private health and personal data with high confidentiality and sensitivity.

This coronavirus (COVID-19) guideline is susceptible to changes with the introduction of additional governmental guidelines. If so, employees will be updated as soon as possible via email. All employees are responsible for implementing these policies.

Employee Exhibiting COVID-19 Symptoms

If an employee exhibits COVID-19 symptoms (fever/chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath, diarrhea, etc.), the employee must notify their supervisor and leave the campus. MTSA encourages all employees exhibiting symptoms to get tested for COVID-19.

Under no circumstances should an employee with a fever report for duty on campus.

Employees who have tested negative for COVID-19 should take a PCR test for confirmation. If the employee has a fever, the employee must stay home until no fever for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medicine. If an employee is having respiratory symptoms, employee is allowed to return to work if symptoms are improving and MUST wear a surgical mask until symptoms resolve.

Employees who have tested POSITIVE for COVID-19 must isolate themselves at home and review the Employee Return to Work After COVID-19 guidelines.

Employee Exposed to COVID-19

Employees who are fully vaccinated and were exposed outside of work may continue to work with the following conditions: must wear a surgical/procedure mask while in contact with others.

Employees who are not fully vaccinated and were exposed outside of work may continue to work if employee has received a negative result. If pending results and exhibiting no symptoms, employee may continue to work but must wear a surgical/procedure mask while in contact with others.

If COVID-19 symptoms develop, refer to the section Employee Exhibiting COVID-19 Symptoms for steps to follow.

Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19

Employees who test positive for COVID-19 must notify their supervisor and the Office of Human Resources and will be directed to self-quarantine away from campus. Please see Employee Return to Work After COVID-19 guidelines.

Employee Return to Work After COVID-19

NEGATIVE Follow-up Test Results

Regardless of vaccination status if follow-up test is negative, and employee is:

  • NOT immunosuppressed, follow-up test must be collected on day 5 or later. Employee cannot return to work until after day 6 at the earliest.
  • immunosuppressed, follow-up test must be collected on day 10 or later. Employee cannot return to work until after day 11 at the earliest.

POSITIVE Follow-up Test Results

  • If an employee’s follow-up test is positive, the employee cannot return to work, and can test daily until the test is negative OR meets the criteria below.

If employee did NOT get a follow-up test:

  • If employee is vaccinated and not immunosuppressed, employee cannot return to work until after day 7 at the earliest.
  • If employee is unvaccinated and not immunosuppressed, employee cannot return to work until after day 10 at the earliest.
  • Regardless vaccination status, if employee is immunosuppressed, employee cannot return to work until after day 20 at the earliest.