Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia prohibits the solicitation, distribution, and posting of materials on or at MTSA property by any employee or non-employee, except as may be permitted by this guideline. The exceptions to this guideline are charitable and community activities supported by MTSA management and MTSA-sponsored programs related to MTSA’s products and services.
- Non-employees may not solicit employees or distribute literature of any kind on MTSA premises at any time.
- Employees may not solicit other employees during work times, except in connection with an MTSA-approved or sponsored event.
- Employees may not distribute literature of any kind during work times or in any work area at any time, except in connection with an MTSA-sponsored event.
- Employees may admit nonemployees to work areas only with management approval or as part of an MTSA-sponsored program. These visits should not disrupt workflow. An employee must always accompany the nonemployee. Former employees are not permitted onto MTSA property except for official school business or with prior approval.
- The posting of materials or electronic announcements are permitted with approval from the Director for Human Resources.